
and splints

What are

Splints and retainers cost

After the active treatment phase, the braces are removed. This is then followed by the so-called retention phase.
To stabilize the end results of the treatment, night retainers are fitted. These are a thin, transparent cover that is placed over the teeth. You are expected to wear them every night for a period of at least 6 months. After this period, wearing time is usually reduced to 4 nights a week for the rest of your life. The retainers are never supposed to feel tight or uncomfortable. If this is the case, please make an appointment at the practice. Sometimes, thin metal wire splints are placed at the back of the incisors in the upper-and lower jaw.

If, despite wearing splints and braces, irregularities in the position of the teeth start to occur, please contact the practice to discuss your situation.


For whom?

Everyone with straight teeth

People who haven’t undergone any previous brace treatment, can potentially benefit from a retainer. When wearing retainers at a later age, slight pressure and a sense of mobile teeth is sometimes experienced. In this case and if there are no underlying issues, night retainers can offer a great solution.


in steps


During the intake we make photos and x-rays to map your current dental status. Based on these photos, we custom fit a splint or a night retainer.

Getting started

The splint or retainer is tried and placed on the teeth.


After 3 and after 6 months, we need you to come in for a checkup. After the second appointment, you may choose to visit your regular dentist for 6-months checkups.

Nearing the end

For optimal results, retainers and splints are usually worn for life.

“I felt really well-assisted in the process, and no longer afraid to smile! Thanks Lotte”

What do

Splints and retainers cost

The costs always depend on your personal situation and wishes. On average, the price is somewhere between 300 and 700 euro. A full list of prices and codes is available on the rates page.