
and fees

Below you will find a list of Dutch rates for orthodontic care, as well as a list with technician costs. These rates are annually revised by the government and the laboratories that we work with. If you choose for pay after the treatment, your invoice will be sent by Infomedics. On www.infomedics.nl you can pay directly via iDeal or inquire about invoices. Would you rather talk to someone directly? You can reach service employees from InfoMedics via this number: 036 203 1900.



If you have a supplementary insurance that compensates orthodontic care, you can submit the invoice to your insurance policy. Be aware that some insurance policies can make use of a waiting period, only cover a percentage, or pay a set maximum amount. You can compare insurance companies on vergelijkmondzorg.nl and by going to the following links: Orthodontics for childrenOrthodontics for adults


Orthodontic care list

CODE OMSCHRIJVING Tarief Tarief Tarief
I Consultatie en diagnostiek
F121 A/B/C Eerste consult € 22.91 € 22.91 € 22.91
F122 A/B/C Herhaalconsult € 22.91 € 22.91 € 22.91
F123 A/B/C Controlebezoek € 14.33 € 21.31 € 21.31
F124 A/B/C Second opinion € 108.53 € 108.53 € 108.53
F125 A/B/C * Maken gebitsmodellen € 17.53 € 32.38 € 32.38
F126 A/B/C Beoordelen gebitsmodellen inclusief bespreken behandelplan € 63.29 € 94.16 € 94.16
F127 A/B/C Multidisciplinair consult, per uur € 141.87 € 141.87 € 141.87
F128 C Prenataal consult Nvt Nvt € 82.71
F129 C Orthodontie in de eerste twee levensjaren Nvt Nvt € 1449.90
F130 A/B/C Uitgebreid onderzoek t.b.v. opstellen en vastleggen van complex behandelplan door orthodontische zorgaanbieder € 108.53 € 108.53 € 108.53
F131 A/B/C * Vervaardigen van een diagnostische set-up € 49.18 € 73.16 € 73.16
F132 A/B/C * Maken van extra gebitsmodellen t.b.v. behandelingsevaluatie € 17.53 € 32.38 € 32.38
F133 A/B/C Beoordelen van extra gebitsmodellen t.b.v. behandelingsevaluatie € 63.29 € 94.16 € 94.16
F133 A/B/C Beoordelen van extra gebitsmodellen t.b.v. behandelingsevaluatie € 63.29 € 94.16 € 94.16
II Röntgenonderzoek
F151 A/B/C Intra-orale röntgenfoto (3×4 cm) € 16.88 € 16.88 € 16.88
F152 A/B/C Occlusale opbeet röntgenfoto € 16.88 € 16.88 € 16.88
F153 B/C Extra-orale röntgenfoto (13×18 cm) Nvt € 23.41 € 23.41
F154 B/C Röntgenonderzoek d.m.v. hand/polsfoto’s Nvt € 28.69 € 28.69
F155 A/B/C Vervaardiging orthopantomogram € 30.79 € 45.81 € 45.81
F156 A/B/C Beoordeling orthopantomogram € 18.05 € 26.85 € 26.85
F157 A/B/C Vervaardiging laterale schedelröntgenfoto € 19.29 € 28.69 € 28.69
F158 A/B/C Beoordeling laterale schedelröntgenfoto € 53.84 € 80.10 € 80.10
F159 A/B/C Vervaardiging voor-achterwaartse schedelröntgenfoto € 19.29 € 28.69 € 28.69
F160 A/B/C Beoordeling voorachterwaartse schedelröntgenfoto € 53.84 € 80.10 € 80.10
F161 A/B/C Meerdimensionale kaakfoto € 144.70 € 144.70 € 144.70
F162 A/B/C Beoordeling meerdimensionale kaakfoto € 60.29 € 60.29 € 60.29
III Behandeling
F411 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 1 € 118.25 € 205.81 € 386.24
F421 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 2 € 123.68 € 214.65 € 406.21
F431 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 3 € 142.63 € 245.13 € 475.43
F441 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 4 € 151.95 € 260.14 € 509.41
F451 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 5 € 359.49 € 586.01 € 864.03
F461 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 6 € 584.78 € 954.81 € 1412.81
F471 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 7 € 567.51 € 885.08 € 1362.93
F481 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 8 € 442.93 € 709.94 € 1166.28
F491 A/B/C * Plaatsen beugel categorie 9 € 582.18 € 978.03 € 1636.76
F492 A/B/C Verwijderen beugel categorie 5 t/m 9 per kaak € 98.49 € 123.17 € 123.17
F511 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 1 € 29.94 € 63.62 € 63.62
F512 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 2 € 29.94 € 63.62 € 63.62
F513 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 3 € 29.94 € 63.62 € 63.62
F514 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 4 € 29.94 € 63.62 € 63.62
F515 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 5 € 34.21 € 69.98 € 69.98
F516 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 6 € 42.77 € 82.71 € 82.71
F517 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 7 € 42.77 € 63.62 € 82.71
F518 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 8 € 51.32 € 76.34 € 104.97
F519 A/B/C Beugelconsult per maand categorie 9 € 64.15 € 95.43 € 124.06
F521 A Beugelconsult vanaf 25e behandelmaand (beugelcategorie 1 t/m 9) € 29.94 Nvt Nvt
F531 A/B/C Nacontrole beugel categorie 1 t/m 4 € 29.94 € 63.62 € 63.62
F532 A/B/C Nacontrole beugel categorie 5,7,8 € 34.21 € 63.62 € 69.98
F533 A/B/C Nacontrole beugel categorie 6,9 € 42.77 € 82.71 € 82.71
IV Diversen
F611 A/B/C * Documenteren en bespreken gegevens elektronische chip in uitneembare apparatuur € 125.73 € 135.45 € 135.45
F612 A/B/C * Plaatsen intermaxillaire correctieveren € 123.68 € 214.65 € 406.21
F716 A/B/C * Mondbeschermer tijdens behandeling met apparatuur € 27.13 € 27.13 € 27.13
F721 A/B/C Trekken tand of kies € 45.22 € 45.22 € 45.22
F722 A/B/C Trekken volgende tand of kies, in dezelfde zitting en hetzelfde kwadrant € 33.76 € 33.76 € 33.76
F723 A/B/C * Plaatsen micro-implantaat (voor beugel) € 84.72 € 105.93 € 105.93
F724 A/B/C Preventieve voorlichting en/of instructie € 13.52 € 13.52 € 13.52
F810 A/B/C Reparatie of vervanging beugel categorie 1 tot en met 4 vanwege slijtage Kostprijs Kostprijs Kostprijs
F811 A/B/C * Reparatie of vervanging van beugel € 29.72 € 44.22 € 44.22
F812 A/B/C * Herstel en opnieuw plaatsen van retentie-apparatuur, per kaak € 39.17 € 77.36 € 77.36
F813 A/B/C * Plaatsen (extra) retentie-apparatuur, per kaak € 39.17 € 77.36 € 77.36
F814 A/B/C * Plaatsen retentie-apparatuur bij orthodontisch niet behandelde of door andere zorgaanbieder orthodontisch behandelde patiënt, per kaak € 39.17 € 77.36 € 77.36
F815 A/B/C Verwijderen spalk, per element € 6.03 € 6.03 € 6.03
F911 A Inkopen op uitkomst orthodontie € 2432.50 Nvt Nvt
F900 A/B/C Informatieverstrekking, per vijf minuten € 13.73 € 13.73 € 13.73
F901 A/B/C Onderlinge dienstverlening Maximum Maximum Maximum

Technician costs


Indication of additional material and technician costs for dental treatments Each person is unique. And with that every dental treatment. To give effective substance to this belief, the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) decided that for certain treatments, material and technical costs must be additionally charged. This way, patients are given a wider range of treatment options. To give you a good idea of your options prior to treatment, we have compiled the following overview. For purposes of conciseness, we have focused on the most common treatments. If, after discussing the options with your practitioner, additional material and/or technical costs are charged for your dental treatment, you will receive an individual quote. Or you can request one. No rights can be derived from this overview. The most common material and / or manufacturing costs in our practice are:

NZA code and description XVI. orthodontics Description of material and technology Price indication of Up to
F125/ Make dental models Technical costs dental model 19 35
F411/ Placing brace category 1 Technical costs plate device 39 54
F421/ Placing brace category 2 Technical costs headgear 50 65
Technical costs palatal bar 32 37
Technical costs lingual arch 9 14
F431/ Placing brace category 3 Technical costs block brace (activator) 60 75
F441/ Placing brace category 4 Technical costs fixed jaw correction equipment 85 125
Material costs braces category 4 7 10
F451/ Placing brace category 5 Material costs brackets and arches 140 250
F461/ Placing brace category 6 Materiaalkosten brackets en bogen 280 500
F471/ Placing brace category 7 Technical costs Clear aligners 2145 2450
F611/ Electronic chip in removable equipment Extra costs chip 50 55
F811/ Repair or replacement bracket Replacing/repairing costs of braces 5 50
F812/ Repair and installation of retention equipment Technical costs retention equipment 35 65
F813,F814/ Insert extra retention bracket, per jaw Technical costs retention equipment 65 75



Orthodontic treatment is a medical treatment. That means that complications can occur, and that risks are involved. You need good oral hygiene and preferably visit your dentist regularly. Some medications and conditions can affect your treatment, so please tell us if you have any allergies, are pregnant, or use medication. Once the treatment plan is drawn up, you will receive the Informed Consent in the mail. In this letter, you can find detailed information about the potential risks as well as our orthodontic recommendations.